


Hi I’m Dr Angeline Hun. Im a medical doctor and the founder of A Skincare. A SKINCARE aims to achieve healthy glowing skin.

Why do you want to create A skincare line?
I had very bad acne breakouts during my teenage years, and I have been to many clinics and beauty saloons for treatment. When my acne was cured, I was left with acne scarring, uneven skin tone and dull skin. Because of that, I lost confidence, did not dare to talk to friends, would also often shy from people due to my skin. Hence I tried multiple skincare products to help with my skin problem. Some worked, some didn’t.

Also throughout my career I have seen many people who suffer from a lot of skin concerns - acne breakout, oily prone skin, dark spots, dull skin, sensitive skin etc. As a result of using skincare that is not suitable for their skin and coupled with malaysian weather which is always hot and humid, their skin condition did not improve or got worse.

As a medical doctor and skincare lover, my biggest struggle was finding skincare that was suitable for me. Having suffered from bad skin myself for many years myself, I realise the importance of skin health.

So I thought to myself, why not I create a skincare line that is suitable for Malaysians and Asians skin? That is where my interest for skin and skincare grew. I began to research more about skincare and studied its ingredients that cater for Asian skin. With good skincare and by understanding the ingredients, my skin condition has improved and I have also helped people around me get better skin.

What is so special about A Skincare Line?

Our aim is to create a skincare line that is of good quality yet affordable. Here, I am happy to announce that me together with my team are launching our own skincare line- A SKINCARE. It took us 3 years to formulate this skincare and its ingredients.

With my medical knowledge learned throughout the years, and with my understanding towards skin anatomy and skincare ingredients, I understand the concern of Asian skin and what skincare ingredients are suitable for us.

A skincare aims to help you all achieve healthy skin ,brighter skin and glowing skin. We have put in a lot of effort into the quality of the skincare.

We have come up with simple 3-step basic skin care:

1. Cleanser

2. 2 in 1 Hyaluronic acid serum & moisturiser

3. Sunscreen

The reason I launch this skincare is because I am a skincare lover myself, and I want you all to achieve a healthy, smooth, and glowing skin too.

Remember, if you do your 3-step basic skincare well with good quality products, you will achieve the healthy and glowing skin look. 

And lastly, healthy skin doesn’t need to be expensive. 

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